
管链输送机产品特点 Product Features: 管道wan全封闭,无灰尘,对周围环境无污染,不需要在安装除尘设备; Totally closed plpeline, dust-free, contamination-free, no need to install other dust collector 管链输送机功率小,能耗低; Requires minimum horsepower and energy consumption. 可以处理热的,冷的,湿的,干燥的,容易吸湿或者对温度敏感的多种物料; Handles hot, cold, wet, dry, hygroscopic or temperature sensitive materials. 流动性好的物料可以自动送料; Self feeding with most flowable materials. 物料沿着管子平滑输送,物料破损少; Gentle conveying action minimizes product attrition. 可以满足多点下料要求,气密性强; Discharge at multiple points in circuit and with good sealability 操作时噪音低; Operates at a minimum noise level 现场安装方便: Easily assembled in the field 节省了横断面的安装空间,可以应用在其他类型输送机不能安装的地方; Saving cross-section Space, can be installed where other conveyor types cannot. 可以满足食品级或药品输送环境; Food grade, polished stainless steel chain for food and pharmaceutical applications in sanitary environments.可以按要求设计不同的尺寸,材料及结构。 Wide range of sizes and materials of construction as required.